Polaroid Camera Cheese Slicer

MAN! I need this in my kitchen. Id be able to bring my recipes to a WHOLE other level with this.

What recipes you ask? ha, well you clearly haven’t seen my Instagram  then have you?

This is a cheese slicer($10) that looks like a Polaroid camera. Instead of printing out instant photos, it spits out cheese.


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Me Rapping Over 100 Songs In 4 minutes + New Ep “G.S.D”

This is My first ‘Release’ under the name ‘Jovel’ and trust me, it wont be the last! i’m going to be releasing a FULL length track from my forthcoming EP ‘G.S.D’ EVERY week on my soundcloud, so make sure you follow me on there to get em instantly.

JUST as i’m writing this charlie sloth just played this on BBC Radio 1 which is bloody AMAZING! but i’ll be sure to post that alog with the track listing tomorrow.

but for now, here’s me rapping over 100% songs in 4 minutes. Written, Mixed and Directed my myself, & shot by my boys RoarsTV and The Battery Chicken